3 days Remain!

Happy New year from Free Flow Dance Theatre
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Only 3 days remain to make your tax deductable donation to our Patron of the Arts Campaign on Canada Helps!

Our Goal: $4000
Campaign ends Jan 6th!

Start the new year off right by making a selfless gesture! Free Flow Dance Theatre Company needs patrons like you! Contributions of all levels are very much needed and welcome! Please feel  free to help to support us by sharing the link to our platform via your social media if you cannot make a donation! We appreciate all types of help!

Have you always wanted to be a patron of the arts? Here is a wonderful chance for you to do so! At Free Flow Dance Theatre, we pay our performers a living wage based on the Canadian Union standards for artists. Although we do raise a certain amount of funds through our ticket sales and granting agencies we also must ask for public support.

Help keep Free Flow programming affordable and FREE!  Your donation helps others participate who may not necessarily be able to afford to do so.

In order to keep our free public programming up and running strong and our performance ticket prices affordable these donations are very necessary.   It is important to recognize that working as a professional artist is a legitimate career that is valued by our society.  We endeavor to treat our artists fairly and to compensate them adequately. Your Patronage can help to make this happen.

Thank you for your ongoing support!
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