A Brand New Year

2016 is off to a fantastic start!
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Call for Choreographers!

The W.I.P. (works in progress) Series in Saskatoon, is looking for professional and emerging choreographers to present original and innovative works in progress at the Free Flow Dance Centre 224 25th St. W. Saskatoon. Jackie Latendresse is the Series Coordinator. Informal showings will take place twice a year in June and September. The season culminates in a winter Gala event of finished works.

Priority will be given to Saskatchewan based artists however; national applications are encouraged. Please send:
1. A brief description of the proposed W.I.P. (work in progress)
2. A current dance resume. (include phone #, email and mailing address)
3. A short statement detailing the type of audience feedback that would most help you to continue to develop your work.
4. Using the guidelines from the Canadian Artists Code describe your status as professional or emerging. Guidelines are available at www.freeflowdance.com under the W.I.P. logo.

Applications are being accepted immediately and are accepted on a first come, first served basis. Up to five Choreographers will be accepted for each performance. There will be two in studio performances. An honorarium will be paid for professional artists and at each showing one artist will be selected to instruct a special workshop as a part of the series. Please include a description of the type of workshop you would like to present should you be selected. *Optional

W.I.P.’s should be an exploration using contemporary/modern or experimental style. Choreographers will receive no less than five and no greater than twelve minutes to present their work. They will be expected to speak about their work prior to the presentation of it for up to a maximum of ten minutes. Written audience feedback will be collected and distributed to the choreographers. A small honorarium will be available for professional choreographers. The W.I.P. Series uses the definition of a professional artist outlined in the Canadian Artists Code and used by the Canadian Alliance of Dance Artists. All artists presented will be considered for participation in the final Gala of finished works in the autumn.
Please send your applications to:
W.I.P. Series Attention J. Latendresse
224 25th St. W.
Saskatoon, SK S7L 0C4
(306) 665-5998
Look for Free Flow Dance at the Walk for Alzheimer's in Saskatoon at the Field House This January!
Check it out
We will be leading the warm up for this worthy cause!

Free Flow is pleased to announce the birth of Baby Boy Andrew!
As some of you may know company dancer Erica Jacks and partner Saxon have just become proud parents!!
The dance company is thrilled that both Mom and Baby are happy and doing fine. Congratulations from the whole company!

Naughty Bingo time!

Our most popular fund raising event the Annual Naughty Bingo is coming up on March 19th. We are now accepting contributions from businesses for our event! Please check out the info below if you may want to donate a prize item. 
            Free Flow is a leading edge Canadian Dance Company known for its innovative and risk-taking modern choreography.  The driving philosophy behind the company's projects is that dance is fun and should be accessible to people of all ages and interests. Founded in 1995 the company has just celebrated its 20 year anniversary. 
            We have successfully run a variety of fundraisers for the company in the past and plan to run our annual “Naughty Bingo” on Saturday March 19th 2016.  The company ran several of these bingos while it was situated in Toronto Ontario and instituted the tradition here in Saskatoon in 2005. We are once again seeking help from various stores in terms of donations of items for prizes.  The event is a 19+ event which is designed to be fun and entertaining for its participants as well as to raise funds for the performing company. Each year well over 100 people turn out for this fantastic event.
Our partner troupe, the Rosebud Burlesque Club will be providing the volunteer staff and entertainment for the event again this year! Please check them out at www.rosebudburlesque.com for more info on the company.
We hope that your company will consider being a sponsor again this year for this event! It is a great way to let people know who you are, where you are located as well as what kinds of products you have available. Please contact Jackie Latendresse, Artistic Director of Free Flow Dance Theatre, if you would like to contribute some of your products. We will gladly arrange for one of our dance co. members to come to pick up any items or extra stock that you would like to contribute as prizes any time.  Please be sure to label your items with your store information clearly and to supply business cards if appropriate.  We will announce your business name during the Bingo for each prize you contribute as well as provide your business with 2 free passes to the event! Contact us to submit employee names to be held at the door. Your support is greatly appreciated! Free Flow Dance Theatre is a not for profit organization which is funded in part by the Saskatchewan Arts Board, Canada Council, Dance Saskatchewan Inc. and the City of Saskatoon. Help to keep our arts community vibrant by supporting the arts! If you have any questions or comments, please don’t hesitate to contact us at 665-5998 or by email at freeflowdance@hotmail.com. Please feel free to check out our web site at www.freeflowdance.com
Jackie Latendresse, A.D. Free Flow Dance Theatre
Considering making a tax deductable donation this year? You can help Free Flow by sending it to 224 25th St. W. Saskatoon, SK, S7L 0C4 or online here.

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