Become a Patron

We are all patrons of the arts, for without our support the arts would not survive.
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Thank you for being our Patrons this Holiday Season!

Have you always wanted to be a patron of the arts? Here is a wonderful chance for you to do so during the holiday season! At Free Flow Dance Theatre, we aim to always pay our performers a living wage based on the Canadian Union standards for artists. Yes there is a union! This can be a struggle to keep up with of course and although we do raise a certain amount of funds through our ticket sales and granting agencies we also must ask for public support better known as Patronage.
In order to keep our free public programming up and running strong and our performance ticket prices affordable this patronage is very necessary.  It is important to recognize that working as a professional artist is a legitimate career that is valued by our society and by us ourselves. At Free Flow we endeavor to treat our artists professionally, fairly and to compensate them adequately. Your Patronage can help to make this happen. We are delighted to announce our newest online fund raising campaign where your financial support can help us to attain our goals and also provide you with a tax deductible charitable receipt!

Please consider making Free Flow Dance Theatre your charity of choice this holiday season.

Artists and Patrons have a long history!

The development of the arts simply could not have happened without the generosity of Patrons like you!

Patronage is the support, encouragement, privilege, or financial aid that an organization or individual bestows to another. In the history of art, arts patronage refers to the support that kings, popes, and the wealthy have provided to artists such as musicians, painters, and sculptors. In modern times you too can become a patron of the arts should you wish to make a contribution through a campaign like this one! The word "patron" derives from the Latin 'patronus', one who gives benefits to his clients.

Become a Patron! Sponsor a performer!

Our Goal: $4,000
Time Remaining: 3 weeks, 4 days
Campaign Ends Jan. 6, 2017
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