Fall Gala

Free Flow Dance Theatre Fall News Letter
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You have to play to win! The Somewhat Clean Bingo! November 5th.

It is that time of year again! Get ready for some good somewhat clean fun! Get out those bingo dabbers and get ready to WIN!
Free Flow Dance and their sister club the Rosebuds are thrilled to bring you our semi annual bingo event this Nov 5th!
Doors open at 6:30pm and bingo round begin at 7pm!
Door fee is $10 and bingo round start at only $2!
There will also be snack and concession available as well as out INFAMOUS 1/2 time show featuring Free Flow Dance and the Rosebuds!

Tell your friends and get here early to get a seat! Our last FUNdraising bingo event was standing room only!
There is no ATM on site so bring cash.

Contact us to contribute something from your local business!
Thanks to our prize sponsors:
Sotano Hair Salon
Back Then and Again Jewlery
HMV Midtown Plaza
Hush Lash Studio
Persephone Theatre
Saskatoon Roller Derby League
Glitch Gifts
Honey Bun Cafe
The Capitol Music Club
The Better Good
Saskatoon Symphony Orchestra
Rosebud Burlesque Club
Desert Beats Belly Dance
CMD Designs
Designs by Quinn
Free Flow Dance Board of Directors
Jack and Dorothy Latendresse
Joan Goodman
Gina Di Paulo
Anthony Bidulka
Mona Handful

All proceeds go to the charitable org Free Flow Dance Theatre Company. Thanks for supporting the arts in Saskatoon!


Free Flow Dance Theatre company is pleased to announce Within Reach, their annual Fall concert of professional contemporary dance works at the Refinery Theatre on November 19th at 8pm.
We hope that you will be able to join us. Please save the date!
Tickets: http://ontheboards.ca/events/within-reach/
$20 Student/Senior $25 General

Featured works by Jackie Latendresse and company include
The Secret Cavern with live music by Anna Bekolay, Jacqueline Fetter and Jeremy Cook.
Tea and other invitations

Plus choreography by special guests
Karla Kloeble
Kyle Syverson

Reception to follow.

Body Workers needed for New Program
Jackie Latendresse the artistic director of the Saskatoon based professional contemporary dance company (www.freeflowdance.com) is seeking body workers to participate in a new program. Free Flow is a charitable not for profit org and is currently compiling a list of body workers, massage, physio, osteo etc who live in Saskatoon who may be interested in working with professional dancers with the Free Flow Dance Theatre Company for a couple of hours every 3-4 months. The company is putting together an opportunity which can provide therapists with tax deductible receipts for in kind contributions. Please get in touch if you would like to be a part of this important program designed to increase and strengthen the health and longevity of our performers. Thank you! freeflowdance@hotmail.com
Feeling generous this season? Planning to make a tax deductible contribution to a charitable organization? Want to help support and grow the arts in Canada? Free Flow Dance Theatre is a charitable not for profit organization that not only creates jobs and performance opportunities for professional performers but also hosts a number of community oriented programs such as our FREE low income ticket program, FREE community workshop program, as well as FREE events such as our annual Back Alley Antics showing and International Dance Day Celebration.  Help keep our season up and running strong as we continue to expand our programming!

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