February News

February 2015
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Free Flow Celebrates 20 year anniversary!

Free Flow Dance Theatre is pleased to formally announce that they will be celebrating their 20 year anniversary for the entirety of 2015!

Formed in 1995 the not for profit professional contemporary dance company has come a long way since its inception. It began as a young group of university dance program gals clad in mis-matched socks who liked to dance under the loose direction of emerging choreographer Jackie Latendresse in Kitchener Waterloo Ontario. It has since relocated first to Toronto then Winnipeg and now has found a formal home in Saskatoon SK at the Free Flow Dance Centre. Jackie Latendresse is the founder and artistic director of the company which has hosted literally hundreds of dancers during the last two decades at its many events and performances. The Works in Progress New Dance Series, Back Alley Antics and International Dance Day Celebration are a few of their most popular programs along with their outstanding FREE community dance workshop program.
Free Flow dance is keeping very busy during this landmark year!
Moving Pictures – 20 years of Free Flow Dance Photography – Archive Launch April 25th , Dance Saskatchewan Centre Pacific Ave. FREE 7:00pm
International Multicultural Dance Day Celebration – Free Flow Dance Centre 224 25th St. W. – April 29th FREE 6:30pm
Mendel Art Gallery Something On Sundays May 17th - Retrospective Remount program performance by Dance on the Prairies of Mythological Requiem. FREE 2pm
Pin up hair and make-up workshop - Free Flow Dance Centre 224 25th St. W $25.00 May 24th Registration required for this special event
Works in Progress New Dance Series featuring: Free Flow Dance Theatre, Nicole Pemberton – Calgary, Caitlyn Coflin – Regina, Paula Skotnitsky – Regina. June 20th Free Flow Dance Centre 224 25th St. W $15 at the door 7:00pm
2nd W.I.P. Showing on September 19th.
Back Alley Antics in conjunction with AKA’s Street Meet July 4th 6:30pm Meet up spot to be determined. Riversdale Saskatoon. FREE (donations accepted)
Free Flow Dance Centre Open house – with performances and reception. Free Flow Dance Centre 224 25th St. W July 18th 6pm FREE (donations accepted)
Pin-up Photo shoot workshop with Ken Greenhorn Photography and Free Flow Dance. Free Flow Dance Centre 224 25th St. W October 4th. Details TBA
Celebration of Dance Weekend November 27-29 Refinery Theatre 609 Dufferin Ave. Details TBA
This will be the culmination of our years’ work including a new group piece created in celebration of our 20 year anniversary, a new solo choreographed by the artistic director for her personal return to the stage, Superfugue – remount from 1996, Laughing – remount from 1997, Witch Hunt – remount from 2007, Missed me – remount from 2008 by the Free Flow Dance Theatre Company.
Our Retrospective Remount program is also in full swing! We will share works from our 20 years of repertoire with local dancers and dance groups during 2015 as a part of our celebration! Participating groups will remount dance pieces working alongside of Jackie Latendresse. The works will be presented at a variety of events and the Celebration of Dance Weekend.
Participating groups so far include:  
Dance on the Prairies – Mythological Requiem 1997
Desert Beats – Conjoined – 2005
Dance Ink – Navras – 2005 and Fallen – 2008
Saskatoon Salsa – Orfa (excerpt from) - 1996
Abiding Lines – System Override – 2004

We hope that you will be able to join us at one of our many events this year!
12 weeks of Free Community Dance Workshops

Produced by the Free Flow Dance Theatre Company Free Flow Dance Centre 224 25th St. W. Saskatoon
Graham McKelvie March 5th – April 9th
Jackie Latendresse April 16th – May 21st
Thursdays 8:30-10pm 12 weeks
Drop in’s and regular attendance are both welcome.
Dancers and creative movers are invited to attend, free of charge, all or any of the Brain Body Connections workshops from March 5th to May 21st 2015 at the Free Flow Dance Centre. The program is funded by the Community Initiative Fund and in part by the City of Saskatoon.  We are able to offer 12 1.5 hour classes taught by local dance professionals.
  • Participants should be age 17+ or by permission of instructors.
  • Male and female participants are both welcome.
  • Contemporary dance experience not required.
  • Participants should have a basic background in movement and a strong desire to expand their knowledge base.
  • Please come dressed to move with warm and cool layers. Note* outdoor shoes are not permitted in the dance centre.
The program begins March 5th at 8:30pm at the Free Flow Dance Centre. No registration is required. Inquiries can be sent to freeflowdance@hotmail.com. Drop in’s and regular attendance are both welcome.
The Instructors
Jackie Latendresse
H.B.A. Dance specializing in Choreography University of Waterloo. Founder and Artistic Director of the Free Flow Dance Theatre Company 1995 to present.
Jackie has dedicated the past 20 years to the development of her art form, the Free Flow Dance Theatre Company and the expansion of contemporary dance in the community and country in which she lives. She believes that non-verbal expression through movement is a complex and universal language that has the possibility to transcend barriers. To move expressively is a basic human need. It is a strong base of communication and provides limitless inspiration for creativity. 
Jackie has over twenty years of teaching experience and has taught a variety of classes, workshops and intensives to a broad spectrum of people. She has worked as an instructor at a variety of locations across Canada, at the University of Saskatchewan and most recently as owner and director of the Free Flow Dance Centre. She is an established choreographer and artist who will share her knowledge and experiences working with her craft through this session of workshops.
Graham McKelvie
Graham McKelvie was born and raised in Saskatoon Saskatchewan where he began his training with Hazel Ann Stark at the Saskatoon School of Ballet. He continued his training as a scholarship student at the National Ballet School of Canada and then in the professional training program at the School of the Toronto Dance Theatre. In 1987 he joined the Toronto Dance Theatre as a full company member, quickly establishing himself in the company’s repertoire, dancing in works by choreographers such as David Earle, Trish Beatty, James Kudelka and Christopher House. He became recognized for his expansive lyricism and exotic masculinity earning critical acclaim both at home and abroad. In his last appearance at the Joyce Theatre in New York City he was reviewed by the New York Magazine as “the most gorgeous person onstage….he is a cross between a wild animal… and a lush exotic flower…”. Graham has expanded into teaching, coaching and choreographing, most recently, for the past three years, on full time faculty at Kobe Women’s University. His works have been seen across Canada and Japan.
The Program
Our society and indeed the world is becoming increasingly democratic. Through social media, ideas and issues are put on the table and we are challenged to become our most authentic selves. Our society increasingly values this personal honesty and the arts reflect this. Dance is no exception, but whereas a piece of writing can be edited, movement must be experienced mindfully. Postures reflect emotional realities and movement reveals everything about the nature of a thing, or a person. This workshop is about finding out about ourselves, our physical self and the things that have left a footprint upon us. It’s about using these observations and consequent realizations to experiment in the creative process. In this workshop we look at where movement comes from and where and how we can glimpse and access our essential and authentic selves. We investigate how this process can generate movement which, taken to the next level might be used in dance, theatre or performance art of any kind. We consider how movement quality is reflective of one’s emotional state and we discuss how this process of discovery can be used as a tool, both on a personal level and in creative and communicative endeavours, to learn, express and share in our human condition. This workshop wants to validate the individual and value the personal.
  • The program will focus on the discovery of the origins of your personal movement abilities.  Through use of emotional states we will help particpants to generate authentic movement and cultivate clear movement qualities. Using this process as a tool for both creation and expression you will begin to strip away learned behaviours to reveal your authentic self.
  • We will aid participants in discovering how the creation of an authentic movement vocabulary through experiential processes and exercises validates both your individuality and promotes the value of all personal and unique movement in a dance or performance setting.
  • The workshop will provide a forum for intimate, candid, personal discussion and delve into the movement possibilities that this dialogue might generate.
  • Participants will endeavor to understand their idiom and how best to physically service it including choreographic and performative approaches, aspects of professionalism and your approach to movement training and employment.
 Thank you to our funders!

For more information or interviews please contact Jackie Latendresse at freeflowdance@hotmail.com or by phone at 306-665-5998.
Free Flow Dance Theatre Company Annual General Meeting
Sunday March 29th
Free Flow Dance Centre 224 25th St. W. Saskatoon

Everyone is welcome to attend our annual general meeting! We would like to thank our outgoing board members Jack Latendresse and Meagan Williams for their dedication and hard work on the board during our formative years! We wish them well in their future endeavors and they will be missed. New names put forward for the Free Flow board of directors include: Marcel Petit, Chris Wood and Janet French. Come meet them at the AGM!


Break open those piggy banks and warm up your dabber hand because Naughty Bingo returns once again!
Free Flow Dance and the Rosebuds put the FUn back in FUNdraising!
March 28th Free Flow Dance Centre
Doors at 6:30pm $10 cover charge
Bingo begins at 7pm Starting at $2 rounds!
Bring extra cash as there is no ATM on site!
Featuring special guest bingo callers! Multiple prize rounds! Concession booth! Contests! And don't miss our infamous 1/2 time show!

Prizes are now being accepted! Let us know if you would like to donate!
All proceeds go to the Not for Profit - Free Flow Dance Theatre Company Inc.
Age 19+ with photo ID No membership needed

Volunteers are also needed! Drop us a line if you are interested in lending a hand!
Free Flow Dance Theatre Company needs your help! Do you drink beer, juice, pop, milk, water, wine, alcohol or other tasty beverages out of refundable bottles, tetra packs and cans? Sure you do! Can you empty them out crush them and save them for us in a garbage bag? SURE YOU CAN! We all can so let's CAN CAN!
This is the easiest way in the world to help support your local contemporary dance company! Drink up!!
Last year our similar drive was a fantastic success raising almost $300 for our Not for Profit! This year we aim to double it!

It is SO EASY to help us out!
1. Start saving your refundable bottles and cans now!
2. Bring them to the Free Flow Dance Centre and drop them off in the side yard! You can access the yard from the front gate - pull the string
3. we are accepting donations from March 20th to the end of May!
DON'T HAVE A VEHICLE? We will gladly send a volunteer to do a pick up if you are unable to drop them off yourself! Just drop us a line!
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