Happy Holidays from Free Flow


Happy Holidays from all of us here at the
Free Flow Dance Theatre Company!


Tis' the season for Gratitude!
This holiday season as we gather with our friends and family we would like to express our gratitude to all of you, our extended dance family for the support you have shown Free Flow Dance Theatre throughout the 2018 season. 

Many of you have attended various fund raising events, performances, workshops or special events. Many of you have contributed goods and services in support of what we do. Many of you have volunteered with us, helping to make our season a success. Many of you have made cash donations or purchased tickets. Many of you have helped to connect us with potential funders, sponsors and patrons. There are as many ways as there are many of you! 

We appreciate and value all of the different types of contributions that you each have made to help support and grow our organization. 

This season we are running an extra special giving back campaign https://www.canadahelps.org/en/charities/free-flow-dance-theatre-inc/campaign/1-free-low-income-ticket-program/ that we would love for you to consider when choosing a charitable organization to make your annual tax deductible donation to. The program we are seeking financial support for this holiday season is the Free Low Income Ticket Program.  Please read more below. 

Give the gift of dance this holiday season!  Your donation helps provide a free ticket to the Works in Progress Dance Series or our Gala performance to a person in need. Due to an unfortunate loss of funding for 2019 this popular program is in danger of closing. We are currently seeking a new title sponsor and asking you, our regular supporters/patrons to help us with our goal of keeping professional dance accessible to everyone.

During the past three seasons we have been able to provide 200 free tickets to low income, students, seniors, new comers and others in financial need. With your help, we can continue to share our programming and our love of dance with everyone who would like to attend. Please consider donating to the this worthy program this holiday season.

For only $25 you can provide one free low income ticket! 

Find us on Canada Helps at https://www.canadahelps.org/en/charities/free-flow-dance-theatre-inc/
You can directly support the Free Low Income ticket program by following the campaign link or choose from one of the many other specific funds listed in the drop down menu. 
All donations are tax deductible. 

Thank you from all of us at Free Flow Dance Theatre. Have a fun and safe festive season!


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