Seasons Greetings from Free Flow Dance (copy 01)

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Season's Greetings to you and your family from our dance family!

The staff, dancers and board of directors of Free Flow Dance Theatre wish you the best of holiday seasons. Safe travels to those of you who are on the road or in the air. We hope that you enjoy your time wherever you are and that your winter is full of warm feelings and of course cool dance moves! Be kind to one another and enjoy the benefits.

In the spring of 2018 keep your eyes peeled for our always popular Bingo on March 10th! We will be accepting prize donations as per usual and booking performers for the infamous half time show!

We are pleased to announce that Free Flow will be taking over production of the Body Paint Cabaret. This fine art meets performance based event is an exciting fusion of art forms and we are very much looking forward to growing this event as it moves into it's second season. Look for our official call for artists and performers early in the new year with the event taking place in early April.
                           Photo By Ken Greenhorn featuring Helika Acro Yoga Company.

Tis the Season to be Generous!

Free Flow Dance Theatre co has a strong history of providing accessible high quality dance events to the the people of Saskatoon. They are in need of your support to keep their International Dance Day program running on April 29th this spring.

Free Flow Dance Theatre unfortunately did not receive funding to run its annual celebration of dance in 2018 so we are looking to our public for support. You can help keep our International Dance Day Celebration FREE of charge and available to the Saskatoon community! Show your support and help keep this event accessible to everyone. We aim to raise $2000 to cover the costs of rental, advertising, technical elements and most importantly Artist Performance Fees. All contributions will receive a charitable tax receipt.


Make your contribution here and remember to share the link!
Also here is a link to a great little interview with SHAW TV by the Artistic Director talking about the importance of this event.
Donations can also be sent by mailing a cheque made out to Free Flow Dance Theatre Company Inc to 224 25th St. W. Saskatoon, SK S7L 0C4. Thank you very much for your support!

Photos below by Ken Greenhorn featuring Lawrence Roy Jr., Sheena Oliphant Odessi Dance and Flamenco Borealis at International Dance Day 2017.

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Copyright © *|2017|* *|Free Flow Dance Theatre|*, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
224 25th St. W. Saskatoon SK S7L 0C4

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