Season’s Greetings From Free Flow

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This holiday season enjoy the company of friends and family and remember to raise a toast to each other! 
Thank you, to all of you, from the staff, company dancers and board of directors at Free Flow Dance Theatre for your support in 2018.
We hope that no matter where you find yourself this season that your hearts are warm and that you enjoy some much needed rest and relaxation before the beginning of the new year. 
2019 is just around the corner and we have some exciting announcements about our new dance season coming out soon! 
Best wishes for the holidays and the coming year from our entire organization.  

Wishing you peace, love, joy and of course, lots of opportunities to experience DANCE!

A.D. Jackie Latendresse
Office assistant: Elise Pallagi
Feeling charitable? 
There is still time to gift the gift of dance. You have just over ONE WEEK LEFT. Tax receipts for 2018 are available for all donations made before Dec 31st through Canada Helps.


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