Want to be on stage with Free Flow Dance?

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System Override Remount
Invitation to dancers!

We want you on stage with us!

Hello dancers! Jackie Latendresse will be remounting a section of her piece System Override from 2008 Free Flow repertoire and she is sending out an open invitation to any dancers who would like to perform in the piece.
The piece is inspired by man vs technology and has a similar aesthetic to films like The Matrix. A little edge of martial arts and sometimes it is hard to tell if it is a man or a machine!
There are 4 main parts which will be assigned and she is also planning to add a bunch of group segments within the piece.
All dancers will be integrated into the system!
Rehearsals will be set with the dancers input. Please plan to attend this planning meeting to show your interest.
224 25TH ST. W
Ultimately the piece will be showcased at the Dance Celebration weekend hosted by Free Flow in November 2015 Dates TBA shortly. We would also love to showcase the work on other platforms if possible as well!

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