Dancing across the universe

Brain Body Connection with Meghann Michalsky #1

Monday, September 30, 2024 at 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm

Professional and emerging dancers are welcome to attend the Brain-Body Connection Professional Development Series hosted by Free Flow Dance Theatre free of charge. Reserve your ticket here! If you would like and can afford to donate to support the future of the company please do! We are pleased to host this series of workshops with the support of the Community Initiative Fund.

Meghann Michalsky’s teaching philosophy draws on her knowledge base in anatomy, release technique, floor-work, the Itcush method, and improvisation. Her classes’ will predominately explore European floor-work and Limon inspired standing work as well as structured improvisations to train a distinct range of qualities. Throughout this workshop she will offer cues that prompt more freedom in the pelvis and spine and overall less pain in the dancing body.
Meghann Michalsky is a dance artist working in Alberta. She is the co-creator of Project InTandem and YYC Contemporary Technique Training, two programs that offer opportunities to emerging artists in Canada. She was awarded the 2019 RBC Emerging Artist Award – she is the first Dancer/Choreographer to receive this award.
Since completing her BA in Contemporary Dance, with a concentration in Choreography and Performance, at the University of Calgary. She has rigorously pursued her training in Canada, Europe, and Israel. As a dancer, you’ve seen her dance for an array of individual artists and companies, including Karissa Barry, Laja Feild of LajaMartin, Davida Monk, Linnea Swan, kloetzel&co, & Dancers’ Studio West to name a few.

Her movement signature has been described as vigorous, raw, and intricate. Her knowledge of Hip-Hop and Krump movement principles has influenced her development of isolated, rhythmic, bound, and fast-twitch movement qualities into her contemporary choreographies.

Sep 30, 2024
5:30 pm - 7:00 pm
