Dancing across the universe

Brain Body Connection Dave Wilson Parahumans Dance Theatre

Sunday, September 15, 2024 at 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Professional and emerging dancers are welcome to attend the Brain-Body Connection Professional Development Series hosted by Free Flow Dance Theatre free of charge. If you would like and can afford to donate to support the future of the company please do! We are pleased to host this series of workshops with the support of the Community Initiative Fund.

Empowerment Dance (Somatics, Meditation, Improv)

I have recently been teaching these workshops in Toronto at Pia Bouman’s school, to all levels – open, Experienced and Emerging dancers, educators, therapists etc. I have been studying Somatics since Linda Rubin’s Synergy/Vancouver 1977. I am a Trager Approach student in training and have taught Somatics at McMaster – Kinesiology for 15 yrs (now retired.) Meditating since 1972 and been to India 4 times

My model of Somatics based on research involves – Movement, Touch, Language, Imagery. I am influenced mainly by Laban, Trager, Shiatsu, Feldenkrais

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Sep 15, 2024
1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
