Dancing across the universe

FREE Contact dance workshop Culture Days

Monday, October 7, 2024 at 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm

Workshop: Contact practicalities

In this class, we combine softness and strength, receptivity and action, patience and curiosity! Through Contact Improv exercises and improvisations, we practise feeling our weight, feeling counter-weight, and taking and giving support. Our first partner is the floor, finding release and the support of gravity. We then practise in duo and trio, (and often through group scores), playing with physics and communication. This class involves touch! Listening for and expressing consent, fun, bravery, tenderness, awkwardness, and humanness.

Short Contact Improv showing by Kyle Syverson/KSAMB Dance Company.

Teacher Bio:

Kyle Syverson is based in Saskatoon, though she has danced all over this crazy world. Her work is based on Contact Improvisation, Modern dance, Axis Syllabus, gymnastics, and nature. She is fascinated by the exploration of movement that is generative, healthy, sustainable, and pleasurable! Kyle has led Contact classes and events for over 12 years – at Leviathan Studios on Lasqueti Island, in Turkey, and most recently in Havana, Cuba. In addition to regular weekly contact classes, she has also taught sessionals for the University of Saskatchewan, Sum Theater, Gordon Tootoosis Nikaniwin Theatre Company, and FreeFlow Dance Theatre Company. She is a long time dancer with FreeFlow and co-director of KSAMB Dance Company.

Website: http://www.ksamb.com/

Register  https://culturedays.ca/en/events/8ad130e8-7acf-4dfe-bb2e-8aa215c2adea and https://www.canadahelps.org/en/charities/free-flow-dance-theatre-inc/events/brain-body-connection-kyle-syverson-2/

Oct 7, 2024
5:30 pm - 7:00 pm
