Dancing across the universe

FREE Flamenco workshop – Culture Days

Sunday, October 13, 2024 at 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm

This highly interactive 50 minute workshop will introduce the participants to some fundamental steps, techniques and rhythmic patterns of Flamenco dance. Flamenco being a highly percussive dance, we will spend some time on learning very basic footwork combinations and body percussion, covering also basic arms and torso movements and aesthetics.

We will learn a small choreographic segment that participants can interpret with the music. Emphasis will be placed on understanding the underlying rhythms and coordinating upper body with footwork.

The workshop will be followed by a demo presentation by Lina of one of her choreographies.

Teacher Bio:

Lina Kazan (Dancer / Choreographer)

Co-founder and co-artistic director of Flamenco Borealis, Lina is an established Flamenco artist based in Saskatoon with strong ties to Spain and Andalusia. Recipient of multiple grants as the principal dancer of her company, she travels to Spain regularly to deepen her inspiration and learn from the masters. She performs frequently with her company in established venues and at important events in Saskatchewan and nationally. She was the lead choreographer and dancer for important productions of Flamenco Borealis like Al Andalusi (2016), Corazon Loco (2017), Dos Voces (2019), Qadar (2022), Primavera and Compartir (2023) and Qadar re-imagined (2024). In 2021, Lina created and performed in the award-winning dance film TAKE MY HAND, in collaboration with Daniel Regnier. In the spring of 2024, Lina and Daniel released their second film THE FOUR SEASONS: A FLAMENCO FILM. Lina has been sharing the love for Flamenco with the Saskatoon community since 2017 by offering regular Flamenco classes, and organising and co-directing the Borealis Flamenco Festival. For her, Flamenco has become a powerful medium of artistic and personal expression. Originally born and raised in Lebanon, she often draws on her Arabic roots to give her dance authenticity and intuitiveness.

Website & social:


Flamenco Borealis on Facebook, Instagram and Youtube.

Register https://culturedays.ca/en/events/6cc340dc-9f3b-4c71-9acd-84be4d014217

Oct 13, 2024
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
