Dancing across the universe

Brain Body Connection #2 Alex Hartshorn

Sunday, June 2, 2024 at 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm

Professional and emerging dancers are welcome to attend the Brain-Body Connection Professional Development Series hosted by Free Flow Dance Theatre free of charge. If you would like and can afford to donate to support the future of the company please do! We are pleased to host this series of workshops with the support of the Community Initiative Fund.

“Mindful Motions for your Mood”.

In this workshop, we will explore specific therapeutic techniques having to do with different types and paces of movement and their effect on mood, emotional regulation, and the nervous system from a more neurological point of view. Many studies show correlations between specific styles of movement and their effect on mood and emotion, but since this varies so much among individuals, we will have the chance to notice and identify inner body sensations and explore meaning through the experiential and group components of the workshop. Participants will have a chance to discover (and possibly re-connect to) ways of moving that increase their own resiliency and well-being, and how it can easily be incorporated more into everyday life. Research shows the concept of interoception—sensing the internal state of the body—to be an important therapeutic concept; this workshop will focus on the ability to tune into that felt sense and enhance awareness and beneficial use of the brilliant mind-body connections that exist in each of us. Since the group is conducted through a therapeutic lens, there will be opportunities to share and process individuals’ experiences (if desired) and the group experience as a whole.

DETAILS & Register https://www.canadahelps.org/en/charities/free-flow-dance-theatre-inc/events/brain-body-connection-with-alex-hartshorn-2-2/

Jun 2, 2024
5:30 pm - 7:00 pm

Free Flow Dance Centre
224 25th St. W., Saskatoon, SK, S7L 0C4
